Thursday, March 3, 2011

Collaboration is the New Competition

Question: What do we need to build systems that foster new forms of business and ensure their success?
Answer: We need collaboration to increase reach and impact, to inform and ignite. We need to transition from competitive advantage to collaborative advantage.

Today’s incredibly connected world gives us a sense of commons. In today’s merging markets the expectations of consumers are already changing when the self interest is matched against sustainability. We care about the socio-efficient ways of manufacturing. Along that, technologies have dramatically altered the marketplace.

With this global change, profitability has to change also, and companies have to supply the demand for the “green product.” To that end, Alex Bogusky, the former advertizing magnate, has created a digital commons – an area of collaboration, where a group of companies, that by traditional definitions would be considered competitors, come together to encompass ideas of the common community.

Alex Bogusky’s “Common” is a collaborative brand. It brings together a diverse group of stakeholders in a collaborative effort to create new businesses built on sustainability and accountability under the “Common” brand. To have a conversation around what is sustainable people have to be involved. Challenging old ways of working requires more vigorous involvement from all stakeholders.

“Coffee Common” is the new business idea under the “Common” brand. It is a collaboration of people with different opinions but a singular interest – serving great by-the-cup brewed coffee. A diverse group of stakeholders – a coffee farmer, an artisan coffee roaster, a barista and a consumer – have joint together in a collaborative effort to emphasize sustainable farming and fair trade. “Coffee Common” was introduced recently at the TED conference.

The heightened interdependence of today’s world allows the rural agricultural communities worldwide to enter and compete in the high-end marketplace of Europe, America and Asia. High coffee consumption in developing countries gives rise to coffee economy.

Collaboration can be an act that promotes global economic prosperity and cultural exchange. Collaboration shifts control to all stakeholders. Collaboration is the new opportunity; it gives competitive edge and creates win-win situation for all.

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